Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

৳ 16,000.00

Category: Product ID: 2289


Digital Marketing Course Syllabus in Bangladesh:

Introduction to Digital Marketing

  1. What is Digital Marketing?
  2. Why Digital Marketing?
  3. Digital Marketing platforms?
  4. Digital Marketing – Organic & Paid
  5. Digital Marketing era and the way forward
  6. Digital Marketing for students, professionals and businesses

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  1. What is SEO?
  2. Growth of SEO in the recent years
  3. Ecosystem of a search engine
  4. What are the kinds of traffic

On Page Optimisation (OPO)

  1. What is on-page optimization?
  2. HTML basics
  3. CSS basics
  4. Meta Tags usage
  5. Using Javascript to our Advantage
  6. Graphics Optimization
  7. Contextual interlinking
  8. Microformats & schemas
  9. Improving demographic score

Off-Page Optimization

  1. Linking Strategies
  2. Competitor Analysis
  3. Sculpting
  4. Link Baiting
  5. Professional Article Exchange
  6. Social Book Marking and Promotions
  7. Directory submissions

Misc Tools

  1. Google Webmaster Tools
  2. Site Map Creators
  3. Browser-based analysis tools
  4. Page Rank tools
  5. Pinging & indexing tools
  6. Dead links identification tools
  7. Open site explorer
  8. Domain information/whois tools
  9. Quicksprout

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

  1. Introduction to SEM
  2. SEM platforms – paid platforms
  3. Introduction to Google AdWords
  4. What is Google AdWords?
  5. How is it different from other platforms?
  6. Create an AdWords account
  7. Key terminologies in Google AdWords
  8. Google AdWords Account Structure
  9. Ad approval process
  10. Campaign creation process
  11. Search & Display network
  12. Keyword Match types
  13. Keyword selection (Keyword planner)
  14. Display Planner
  15. Ad Extensions
  16. Different types of extensions
  17. Creating location extensions
  18. Creating call extensions
  19. Create Review extensions
  20. Ad creation process
  21. Keyword Grouping
  22. Bidding techniques – Manual / Auto
  23. Site Targeting
  24. Keyword targeting
  25. Demographic Targeting / Bidding
  26. CPC-based, CPA-based & CPM-based accounts

Advanced Campaign Settings

  1. How to handle different devices
  2. Mobile-specific bids
  3. Ad Scheduling
  4. Ad Rotation
  5. Ad delivery settings

Analysing Account Performance

  1. Account interface analysis of data
  2. Understanding metrics
  3. Search Terms report
  4. Placement Performance report
  5. Analyzing keywords, Ads
  6. Landing page relevance
  7. Quality score
  8. Ad Rank
  9. Cost/Benefit analysis of campaigns
  10. How to add / remove relevant keywords
  11. Optimization Process
  12. Keyword Optimization
  13. Ad Text Optimization
  14. Landing page optimization
  15. Bid/Budget optimization
  16. Return on investment Vs Branding
  17. Attain equilibrium b/w keyword relevance, ad text and Landing page quality
  18. Understanding LPQ and issues

AdWords Editor

  1. AdWords Editor
  2. Creating optimized campaigns
  3. Understanding AdWords Editor options
  4. Easy optimization of accounts
  5. Analysis of accounts using AdWords Editor
  6. AdWords Editor shortcuts
  7. Analysing existing accounts
  8. Exporting accounts into different formats


  1. Understanding Conversion Tracking
  2. Types of Conversions
  3. Setting up Conversion Tracking
  4. Verify Conversion Tracking
  5. Tracking Conversions
  6. Optimizing Conversions
  7. Track offline conversions
  8. Analyzing conversion data
  9. Conversion optimizer
  10. Target CPA

Working with Display Network

  1. Ad Formats
  2. Creating Image Ads
  3. Optimizing image ads
  4. Choosing placements
  5. Frequency capping

Mobile Ads

  • What is mobile ads?
  • Creating mobile ads?
  • What are the types of mobile ads?
  • AdWords for mobile

Click to Call Campaigns

  • Create click to call campaign
  • Analyze the campaigns
  • Optimize the ads for mobile

Youtube Advertising

  • What is youtube advertising?
  • Why should one advertise on youtube?
  • Creating youtube campaigns
  • Choose the audience for video ads
  • Instream ads
  • In-video ads
  • In-search ads
  • In-display ads
  • Measuring your YouTube ad performance
  • Drive leads and sales from YouTube ads

My Client Center (MCC)

  • What is MCC?
  • Who can be an MCC?
  • How to signup for an MCC account?
  • Adding clients for MCC account
  • Monitoring child accounts
  • What is MDS?
  • UI Access and API access
  • Creating multiple MCCs

Access Levels

  • Sharing an AdWords account
  • Different access levels
  • Admin access
  • Standard Access levels
  • Email only Access
  • Read-only access

Billing in AdWords

  • Different types of billing
  • Postpay and Prepay [Automatic and Manual]
  • Billing issues
  • Retry card
  • Troubleshooting issues
  • Primary card and back up card
  • Promo codes and working with them

Invalid Clicks

  • Tracking invalid clicks
  • What should be done
  • IP exclusion

Dynamic Search Ads

  • What are dynamic ads?
  • Creating dynamic search ads
  • Keyword Insertion

Shared Library

  • What is shared library?
  • Shared Budgets
  • Sharing negative keywords
  • Creating shared audience


  • Running keyword reports
  • Campaign and Ad group level reports
  • Placement performance report
  • Running analysis reports

Remarketing Campaigns

  • What is remarketing?
  • How do I create a remarketing campaign?
  • Remarketing campaigns
  • Creating custom combinations
  • Creating URL rule
  • Creating a remarketing tag

BING AdCenter

  • Bing AdCenter

Facebook Marketing

  • Facebook Paid Marketing
  • Running paid campaigns
  • Managing interests
  • Create custom audiences
  • Create multiple adverts
  • Power editor

Analyze Campaigns

  • View FaceBook Insights
  • Data Interpretation

Linkedin Marketing

  • LinkedIn Paid Campaigns

A/B split testing Web Analytics

  • Introduction to Web Analytics
  • GA Terminology (Dimensions & Metrics)
  • Introduction to Reports
  • Audience Reports, Traffic Sources and Content Reports
  • Basic Setup
  • Campaign Tagging & Reporting
  • Understanding Conversions
  • Understanding Goals and Funnels
  • Dashboard
  • Custom Reporting
  • Understanding Events
  • Linking and Using Data from Google Adwords
  • Profiles
  • Profile Filters
  • Visitor Flow
  • Real-Time Data

Content Marketing

  • Blog Marketing
  • Article Marketing
  • Cross promotions
  • How to effectively market content
  • Call to action via content
  • Guest blogging
  • Content Marketing tools (Around 30 of them)

Email Marketing

  • Importance of email marketing
  • email Marketing platforms
  • Creating e-mailers
  • Tracking emailers
  • Open rates and CTR of emailers
  • Drive leads from emailers
  • What is opt-in lists
  • Create forms

Lead Management & Digital Marketing

  • Web to lead forms
  • Web to case forms
  • Lead generation techniques
  • Leads are everywhere
  • Social media and lead gen
  • Inbuilt tools for Digital Marketing
  • Ip Tracker
  • CPC reduction (in case of paid ads)
  • Group posting on Social Media platforms

Social Media Marketing

  • Social Media, Social networking & Social Media Marketing Defined
  • Blogging and microblogging
  • Social networking
  • Video Sharing

Social Shopping & Opinions

  • Social News and Social Bookmarking
  • Social events
  • wikis
  • Social Media Strategy

Facebook Marketing

  • Introduction to Social Media
  • What is Social Media?
  • How Social Media developed
  • Managing Information Aggregators
  • Google Alerts
  • Blogs

Getting Your Company Ready for Social Media

  • Content Management
  • Scheduling & Creating content
  • Managing content programs
  • Trademark Implications
  • Working with Tumblr


  • Who are they?
  • How to find them
  • How to use them to benefit your brand


  • Creating groups and pages
  • Tips and Guides
  • Posts
  • Paid Promotion
  • Ads
  • Contests


  • Set-up and usage
  • Company profile
  • Hangouts
  • Authorship


  • Set-up and usage
  • Tips
  • Promoted Tweets
  • Buffer
  • Hootsuite
  • What is Tweetdeck


  • Tips and Guides
  • Review of profiles
  • Linkedin posts
  • Linkedin promotions

Digital Communities

  • Evolution of online communities
  • How ideas travel
  • Viralness

Social Media Measurement

  • The ROI in Social Media Marketing
  • Tools and Dashboards
  • Reputation and crisis management

Social Media Measurement and Metrics

  • Quantifying success
  • Data mining and social media
  • Social Media Measurement tools
  • Data and social media

Other Social Media Tools

  • Google Trends
  • Trending Topics
  • Twitter trends
  • Social Media Trends

Facebook Paid Ads

  • Facebook Object Ads
  • Page Post Ads
  • Sponsored Stories
  • Facebook Offers
  • Facebook Sponsored Stories
  • Remarketing Ads
  • Custom Audience
  • Action Specific Targeting
  • Facebook Premium Ads

What you will learn in Social Media 

  • How to get your business checking-in
  • Setting up accounts on second-tier platforms
  • Promoting social media pages in other media
  • Best social media listening and management tools
  • Creating positive chatter in social media
  • Linking social media accounts
  • Utilizing discussion boards and social groups
  • Metrics, Measurement and Evaluation
  • Defining key terms in social media
  • Establishing goals and key tracking metrics
  • Free social media measurement tools
  • Benefits of popular and custom URL shorteners
  • Calculating acquisition costs and hard ROI from social media
  • Creating customized campaign performance reports
  • Social Media Case Studies
  • Major brand case study
  • Small company case study
  • Small B2B case study
  • Big brand digital media site side optimization
  • Using social media for brand awareness
  • Using social media for direct response

Trending Digital Marketing Skills – 2021

Some of the top rated digital marketing skills that are on demand in the market:

  1. SEO – Search Engine Optimization.
  2. SEM – Search Engine Marketing.
  3. Social Media Marketing/Optimization.
  4. Email Marketing.
  5. Website Designing and Development.
  6. Product Marketing.
  7. Content Writing.
  8. Marketing the created content online.
  9. Copywriting.
  10. Blogging.
  11. Local Marketing.
  12. Google AdWords Campaign Management.
  13. PPC Advertising.
  14. Affiliate Marketing.
  15. Mobile and SMS Marketing.
  16. Marketing Automation.
  17. Web Analytics.
  18. Growth Hacking.


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